Discover what makes you happy then make it happen.
Invest in your relationship with yourself
As mothers we have a tendency to put the needs of others first, but in doing so, we may inadvertently neglect the relationship we have with our own needs. Let me be your guide toward a life of gentle self love and compassion. Let’s overhaul the way you take care of yourself to shift from feelings of resentment to feelings of contentment.
Turn your vision into action
After reading through the specific form of self care detailed in each chapter, you will consider how each of these concepts realistically fit into your life in the end of chapter reflections and visualizations. Then you’ll actually make it happen with the growth activities!
“This book has given me so much encouragement! The prompts and reflection tools have helped me realize my strengths and allowed me to grow into a better, happier mom.”
—Jessica C.
Start your journey today .
Self love is not selfish. You are worthy.